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Дагор Дагорат (Dagor Dagorath)

Последняя битва в конце времен, когда Мелькор вырвется на свободу и вернется в мир. Описания самой битвы встречаются только в черновиках, опубликованных в книгах серии "History of Middle-Earth", и там они сильно разнятся в деталях.

Называлась также "Последняя битва", "Великое Разрушение". Синдаринское слово "dagor" означает "битва", а "dagorath", вероятнее всего, собирательное множественное число от "dagor" и означает "битвы, все битвы вообще". Таким образом всё название "dagor dagorath" означает, вероятно, "битва битв". Вероятно, словосочетание "Судный День" относится к событиям после этой битвы.

Когда мир состарится и Валар утомятся, Мелькор вернется через Врата из-за пределов мира и тогда в Валиноре состоится последняя битва. В разных версиях упоминается, что там будут сражаться Эарендил, Эонве, Тулкас, сын Тулкаса и Турин со своим Черным Мечом, против Мелькора и его войск (в их числе упомянуты драконы). Сказано также, что перед началом битвы Мелькор уничтожит Солнце и Луну. В битве мир будет разрушен частично или полностью, но Мелькор будет убит Турином или Эонве и затем мир будет по-видимому восстановлен Ауле с помощью гномов. Упоминается также "Судный День" (Day of Doom), но не уточняется, что это такое. По поводу этого предсказания сказано так же: "Примечательно, что у эльфов не было никаких мифов и легенд о конце света. Миф в конце "Сильмариллиона" нуменорского происхождения; он явно создан людьми, хотя эти люди были знакомы с эльфийскими преданиями. Все предания эльфов - это "истории", рассказы о том, что уже произошло."

Далее приведены цитаты из первоисточников содержащие все известные  существенные упоминания о Дагор Дагорат.

The Silmarillion, II

"Then their [Dwarves'] part shall be to serve Aule and to aid him in the re-making of Arda after the Last Battle"

The Silmarillion, III

"Menelmacar with his shining belt, that forebodes the Last Battle that shall be at the end of days"

The Silmarillion, Akallabeth

"they lie imprisoned in the Caves of Forgotten, until the Last Battle and the Day of Doom."

Unfinished Tales, 4, II

"Manwe will not descend from the Mountain until the Dagor Dagorath, and the coming of the End, when Melkor returns"

The Book of Lost Tales I, IX ;

"For 'tis said that ere the Great End come Melko shall in some wise  contrive a quarrel between Moon and Sun, and Ilinsor [Tilion] shall seek to follow Urwendi [Arien] through the Gates and when they are gone the Gates of both East and West will be destroyed, and Urwendi and Ilinsor shall be lost. So shall it be that Fionwe [Eonwe] Urion, son of Manwe, of love for Urwendi shall in the end be Melko's bane, and shall destroy the world to destroy his foe, and so shall all things then be rolled away."

The Book of Lost Tales II, II

"...but Turambar indeed shall stand beside Fionwe in the Great Wrack, and Melko and his drakes shall curse the sword of Mormakil."

The Book of Lost Tales II, VI

"Fionwe's rage and grief. In the end he will slay Melko. ...he [Telimektar, son of Tulkas] has diamonds on his sword-sheath, and this will go red when he draws his sword at the Great End."

The Book of Lost Tales II, VI

"The Elves' prophecy is that one day they will fare forth from Tol Eressea and on arriving in the world will gather all their fading kindred who still live in the world and march towards Valinor - through the southern lands.This they will only do with the help of Men. If Men aid them, the fairies will take Men to Valinor - those that wish to go - fight a great battle with Melko in Erumani and open Valinor... If Men oppose them and aid Melko the Wrack of the Gods and the ending of the fairies will result - and maybe the Great End."

The Shaping of Middle-Earth, II, 19

"When the world is much older, and the Gods weary, Morgoth will come back through the Door, and the last battle of all will be fought. Fionwe will fight Morgoth on the plain of Valinor, and the spirit of Turin shall be beside him; it shall be Turin who with his black sword will slay Morgoth, and thus the children of Hurin shall be avenged."

The Shaping of Middle-Earth, III, 19

"Thus spake the prophecy of Mandos, which he declared in Valmar at the judgement of the Gods, and the rumour of it was whispered among all the Elves of the West: when the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth shall come back through the Door out of the Timeless Night; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon, but Earendel shall come upon him as a white flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the last battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Melko, and on his right shall stand Fionwe and on his left Turin Turambar, son of Hurin, Conqueror of Fate; and it shall be the black sword of Turin that deals unto Melko his death and final end; and so shall the children of Hurin and all Men be avenged."

The Lost Road and other writings, Part Two, VI

"Thus spake Mandos in prophecy, when the Gods sat in judgement in Valinor, and the rumour of his words was whispered among the Elves of the West. When the world is old and the powers grow weary, then Morgoth, seeing that the guard sleepeth, shall come back through the Door of Night out of the Timeless Void; and he shall destroy the sun and the Moon. But Earendel shall descend upon him as a white and searching flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the Last Battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Morgoth, and on his right hand shall be Fionwe, and on his left Turin Turambar, son of Hurin, coming from the halls of Mandos; and the black sword of Turin shall deal unto Morgoth his death and final end; and so shall the children of Hurin and all Men be avenged.

Morgoth's Ring, Part Two , section 2

"The greatest of these was Menelmakar, the Swordsman of the Sky. This, it is said, was a sign of Turin Turambar, who should come into the world, and a foreshowing of the Last Battle that shall be at the end of Days."

The War of the Jewels, Part Two, 13

"Then their [Dwarves'] part shall be to serve Aule and to aid him in the re-making of Arda after the Last Battle."

The Peoples of Middle-Earth, Part Two, XII

"unless the prophecy of Andreth the Wise-woman should prove true, that Turin in the Last Battle should return from the Dead, and before he left the Circles of the World for ever should challenge the Great Dragon ofMorgoth, Ancalagon the Black, and deal him the death-stroke".



  • The Silmarillion.
  • The Unfinished Tales.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. I. The Book of Lost Tales I.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. II. The Book of Lost Tales II.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. IV. The Shaping of Middle-Earth.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. V. The Lost Road and other writings.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. X. The Morgoth's Ring.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. XI. The War of the Jewels.
  • History of Middle-Earth, v. XII. The Peoples of Middle-Earth.




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